Event Sponsors
At Moose Charities, we believe that strong partnerships connect businesses and our local community to what we do and why we do it, in addition to, supporting the humanitarian efforts of the Moose Fraternity. As a partner, you help us continue our mission to provide a safe environment and quality education for the children at Mooseheart, as well as a comfortable and safe facility for our seniors at Moosehaven. And, you play an integral part of the charitable activities that benefit our local communities and families, alike.
“It takes a village!” Moose Charities has a strong history of building successful partnerships with companies and foundations of all sizes. We work with partners across the country to understand their philanthropic goals and design a plan that demonstrates impact and commitment to our charity’s mission. Together, with our corporate partners, we can make a far bigger impact toward achieving our mission than we could ever do alone.
If you would like to join our mission, through a business partnership or event sponsorship, please contact Moose Charities at (630) 966-2200 or send an email to request@moosecharities.org
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